Thursday, February 25, 2010

Officially Excited

My Grandma DiMaria used to say that you can't get excited about a baby until six weeks before the baby is due. Well, I am exactly 34 weeks today so I can officially be excited :)

We had our last detailed sonagram yesterday and everything looked good. She is in a good position, there is a good amount of fluid surrounding her, and the placenta is in its place. All good news. She is getting big now so it was hard to distinguish what everything was on the sonagram. At 20 weeks, we could see everything from head to extremeties even fingers and toes. This time around everything looked the same.

The specialist who did our sonagram wasn't that great about pointing things out to us either. Every once in a while I would ask what we were looking at and he would mumble something in response. I didn't bother him too much because I wanted him to focus on the baby. It was more important to me that he take a good look and see everything was ok than for me to see every little detail. Plus, this will make her debut that much more exciting. And, yes, he did reconfirm that we are expecting a girl :)

During the sonagram, they gave us her estimated weight. She is weighing in at about 5 lbs 4 oz. According to their chart, it is exactly average. However, according to other sources, she is on the larger side. I did some math and calculated that if I go the full 40 weeks, she will be big for a first baby. Babies gain about half a pound a week from here on out. Correct me if I'm wrong but a half a pound a week for six weeks means she will gain another 3 lbs - totaling 8 lbs 4 oz! I was my mom's biggest baby at around 8 lbs 14 oz but I was number five and the the exit was already mapped out for me. So I guess I should 86 the fries over the next few weeks.

I am still feeling great. I was sure that by now I would be running on empty. The only thing that concerns me is that there are days that our baby doesn't move. My doctor said that would raise a red flag for him but, if it has happened before, it may just be her pattern. I am keeping a kick count on her to make sure she stays active. Please pray that she does. We have our prenatal classes this weekend, which I am really excited about. I can't wait to learn more about what to expect!

1 comment:

Veronica Maria said...

I can't wait to send your baby present!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)