Wednesday, February 17, 2010

40 Days and 40 Nights ... And then some

Today, Ash Wednesday, marks the beginning of Lent - otherwise known as the beginning of 40 days and 40 nights without Dr. Pepper. (I used to give that up and it really was a sacrifice!) I used to see Lent simply as a time to give something up but, over the years, I have seen that it is about so much more and I have grown a deep appreciation for it.

First of all, if you have ever looked at a calendar, Lent is more than 40 days and 40 nights. How does that work? Initially, the council forbade fasting on Sundays, even during Lent. (I guess my dad had something to backup his reasoning behind cheating on what he gave up durning Lent on Sundays ... ) According to, here is the math: "So today, while the season of Lent (Ash Wednesday to Holy Thursday) is technically 44 days, the number of days for penance and fasting before Easter is still 40: 44 days minus 6 Sundays equals 38, plus Good Friday and Holy Saturday equals 40."

While fasting is a big part of Lent, you can't forget about prayer and worship and almsgiving and service. Lent is a time to reflect and repent but also a time to refocus your life on God.

I know that my pregnancy is a gift from God but the timing of everything has really been spiritual. In December, we heard readings about Elizabeth and how she was in her sixth month of pregnancy when her child leaped in her womb. I, too, was starting my sixth month in December ... and we share the same name :) And, now, I am heading into my "40 days and 40 nights ... and then some" until my due date (4 days after Easter). I feel so blessed to be rounding out my pregnancy during Lent. It will be the perfect way to spend more quality time with God before our little one arrives and put me on the right track for the rest of the year.

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