Friday, November 27, 2009

Our Thanksgiving Feast

Our Menu: Oven roasted turkey leg, my mom's famous rice stuffing, cornbread stuffing, sweet potatoes, brussel sprouts, and homemade sundried tomato and parmesan bread.

This year, I made a Thanksgiving feast for two :) It also doubled up as an anniversary dinner, which worked out nicely. I was talking to my mom while I was cooking, and even though we hadn't previously discussed our menus, we ended up making almost the exact same dinner. (Mine was just downsized!) In Spanish, I would call her my "media naranja" (my other half). I missed not having my family in the kitchen with me as I cooked but our dinner was special in a different way. Just knowing that I will see them soon, was something to be thankful for. And, we had A LOT to be thankful for this year!

PS - Best of luck to everyone back home on the biggest shopping day of the year!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Ruth 1:16

"Do not urge me to leave you, for wherever you go, I shall go, wherever you live, I shall live. Your people will be my people and your God will be my God."

This was my favorite reading from our wedding and suits us so well. I cannot believe we are celebrating five years of marriage today and have a little girl on the way. Life can't get much better than this. We are truly blessed. Happy anniversary sweetheart!

And, Happy Thanksgiving America!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A Restivo First ...

... a granddaughter!!! Oscar and I are going to be the proud parents of a little baby girl :)

Friday, November 20, 2009

A Great Visit!

Oscar's sister, Rosa, and her husband, Pedro, came to visit us a couple of weeks ago. I am just now getting around to posting pictures of our weekend because our camera is broken and I had to get them from Pedro. (Did you know that you can copy pictures off of Facebook? I didn't. Don't know if I like that ... )

Anyway, we had such a lovely time with them. It was Pedro's first time in London so everything was new and exciting. The weather wasn't that great but it helped to make it feel a little more like London :) We tried out a few new restaurants while they were here and they are ones that we would love to go back to.

The best part of the visit was that we got to see them. Even though Spain is close by, I haven't been since July and I was missing Oscar's family. We had a change in our Christmas travel plans so I won't be able to see them then either. I am really glad that they were able to come when they did. They promise to come back with their two adorable daughters, Sandra and Monica, this Spring after the baby is born. We can't wait!

A view at night of the River Thames from the OXO tower.

A classic London shot.

On the tube on the way to the Notting Hill market.

In front of Parliament.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ho! Ho! Ho!

"And the stockings were hung by the chimney with care, in hopes that St. Nicholas would soon be there."

Monday, November 16, 2009


I started to feel the first movements of our little one and the best way to describe them are like subtle thumps. No karate kicks yet - this baby is still in training! - but light little love thumps :) I can't help but think of cuddly little Thumper from Bambi when I feel our bambino moving around.

I am 19 weeks and 4 days and have probably been feeling them for a few days now. I wasn't too sure what they were at first but I am pretty convinced that it is not just me anymore. I can't make it happen, even if I concentrate really hard. Believe me - I've tried! But, if I sit still still after I eat sometimes I can get in on some of the action. Most of the time I only get one or two thumps. On a good day, three. They aren't very strong yet so I can really only feel them on the inside. I am sure all of that will change in good time. For now, I am thrilled to feel any movement at all.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

You know you are showing when ...

... someone gives up his seat on the subway for you to sit down. What a nice guy! I couldn't help but be giddy and giggle knowing that I am now considered pregnant even to the naked eye :)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Taize Meditation

"Silence makes us ready for a new meeting with God. In silence, God's word can reach the hidden corners of our hearts. ... In silence, we stop hiding before God, and the light of Christ can reach and heal and transform even what we are ashamed of."

*Taize worship includes candlelight, prayers, readings, silence, and soft music with repetitive words led by guitar, flute, violin and other instruments. The service is very meditative and offers a wonderful opportunity to be silent and center on the Lord.

**I attend a weekly service at my parish and really enjoy it. I have been blessed with great fellowship from all walks of life and from all parts of the world. Each week the topic seems to speak directly to me.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Baby Gifts

Oscar and I have yet to buy anything for the baby but we have already received gifts from dear friends and family. They were so unexpected and made us feel so special that people were already thinking of our little one. I have tucked them away in a chest of drawers, which will later be for the baby. Sometimes I stop by and take a peek inside just for fun :) Baby clothes are just so cute!

Thank you to all for the very special gifts. We will think of you as we use them and can't wait to send you pictures with our baby wearing them!

Our very first gift came all the way from the USA from Erika and Philip. It is so soft! I am sure it will make it in the overnight bag for the hospital :)

An intern that worked for Oscar was so sweet to give us this cute onesie from Harrods when she left. It is for 3-6 months so it will be perfect for those chilly Spring/Early Summer days.

When my mother-0n-law recently came to visit, she brought us this adorable winter hat for the baby. The scarf is attached so the baby will be sure to keep warm!

Oscar's aunt, Tia Fuensanta, gave us the sweetest little knit booties. I think they are just precious. The peach ribbon will be so cute with baby blues or girly pinks :)

PS - Happy Birthday, Daddy (Grandpa)!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Evolution of Our Tree

Oscar hard at work.
When we were fanning out the branches Oscar screamed "Squirrel!" A very famous quote from the classic movie, Christmas Vacation. My family would be so proud :)
Almost done!
Our first Christmas tree :)
A view of our tree from outside.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The First Christmas Ornament

Oscar and I are super excited about Christmas this year and can't wait to start decorating. The stores and streets are already all decked out with Christmas decorations in London, which makes it really easy to get into the Christmas spirit even though it is the beginning of November.

We bought our first Christmas ornament a few weeks ago. We thought the British flag suited this year well and would be a great souvenir for the years to come. After shopping around, we bought our tree last weekend. We prosmied ourselves that we would wait until mid-November to put it up. Our justification is that since we will be visiting family from about mid-December on, we should decorate sooner rather than later so we can enjoy it for at least a month :)

Stay tuned! Pretty soon you will be seeing pics of this ornament hanging on our tree :)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Fun Facts About My Pregnancy

1. I sleep in a nest. I try really hard to sleep on my sides but sometimes I end up on my back. My doctor said it is fine to sleep on my back until the third trimester but the American pregnancy books make it sound like it is the worst thing you could possibly do. So I prop up pillows on both sides of me and behind my head to keep me from moving around too much. I laugh when I wake up in the morning because it really does look like a little nest in our bed.

2. I eat 4 or 5 times a day. I find that I eat less at each meal but have to eat about every four hours. If I am out and about, I always carry something with me because once I feel hungry I have to eat. My favorite snacks are apples and cheese, yogurt with hazelnuts, peanut butter and jelly, nutella sandwiches, and almost any kind of fruit. I've also become fond of Pringles. Who would've guessed?

3. Pregnancy has truly been a spiritual experience. I have never felt closer to God. I feel so honored to be carrying this baby for Him and just feel so blessed to be pregnant. I have a daily reminder of how much God loves us each and everyday.

4. I have my energy back. I am not sleeping nearly as much anymore. I can actually have lunch without falling asleep at the table. Don't get me wrong, I still sleep quite a bit. I normally don't get up until 9am. My job as a housewife doesn't officially start until 9:30am :)

5. I LOVE gummy bears. Not just any gummy bears - the Haribo Gold-Bears. I have always liked gummy candies, especially red licorice. But, for now, my sweet of choice are gummy bears. Oscar hates it when I eat them because they normally make me sick. He teases me and tells me that, if I'm not careful, we are going to see gummy bears swimming around on our next sonagram.

6. Prenatal yoga is the best. I have only been a couple of times but it really helps. They teach stretches to make room for the baby and positions to help with back pain and sleeping. I honestly feel great when I leave.

7. I am one of the people you look at and laugh at the gym. I have befriended the EFX, stationery bike, and treadmill. (No more kickboxing for me!) I never leave the "low intensity" range so it just feels like I am in slow motion. I figure something is better than nothing. I prefer to take walks in the amazing park next to our house (I sing out loud to my iPod!) but the weather doesn't always cooperate.

8. No action. In our previous sonagrams, our baby had always been really active, except for the last one. I don't know if he/she is still as active but he/she is not letting me in on any of the action yet. My doctor said that I shouldn't even think about feeling anything until after 20 weeks but I have read that some ladies can feel it before then. Everyone tells me that once it starts I will want it to stop. I don't care .... I want to feel this baby kick!

9. We are in search of a baby carriage. We haven't bought anything for the baby yet but have looked around a bit. Oscar only gets really excited about the baby carriage. He is flexible on everything else. I want a traditional one to push around Regent's Park :) There are several that we have seen that we like but none of them are cheap. I see it as an investement, though :)

10. I have never been happier. I have been so lucky and have really enjoyed being pregnant. I laugh all the time and at the silliest things. I finally feel like I have found myself and I am doing what I meant to do in life. I have already fallen in love with this baby and I haven't even seen him/her yet. I think that becoming a parent is just a glimpse of what God's unconditional love is like is for us. What a blessing!