Sunday, May 31, 2009

I did it!

Yep, that's right ... I made the trek down to the beach all by myself on Friday. Actually, not ALL by myself; Garmina came with me. Garmina is name that we gave the Garmin portable GPS that I gave Oscar for Christmas. Since it is a woman's voice, we thought Garmina was a fitting name.

In 4.5 hours, with a 15 minute stop for coffee and to stretch my legs, I went from Madrid to Oliva (near Valencia). I arrived to beautiful weather and got in 2.5 hours on the beach before heading back to the house to make the beds, cook, get cleaned up, and pick up Oscar.

Oscar was able to get a last-minute flight from London to Alicante. Alicante is about an hour drive from Oliva. He was supposed to fly back to London from Alicante on Sunday afternoon, but late Friday before leaving the office he was informed that he needed to work from Madrid on Monday. So it worked out nicely and we made the car trip back to Madrid together this afternoon.

I was thinking about staying a few extra days at the beach but I preferred to spend one more day with Oscar and go back to Madrid with him. Plus, I am very hopeful that my passport will arrive soon.

Our camera is in London so I don't have any pictures of the weekend. My posts are pretty blah without pictures but I promise to post lots just as soon as I can.

1 comment:

Veronica Maria said...

haha, my Garmin is Gina:)