Wednesday, May 27, 2009

"I wait"

The title of this post is in reference to the movie The Terminal with Tom Hanks. He plays an eastern immigrant stranded in JFK airport who must take up temporary residence there until he gets a valid travel visa to enter the country. After several attempts to get him to leave the airport, he repeatedly responds - in broken English - that he "will wait".

I find myself in a similar situation these days. I am in Madrid ever so patiently waiting for my UK visa. Since the British Embassy kept my passport to put the visa in it, I cannot travel outside of Spain until I get it back. Oscar is in London and I am here. Apart once again. Hopefully, not for long. So ... I WAIT!

I really hope that I make it there by the weekend. We invited a dear friend of ours over for dinner on Saturday and I don't want to miss it because she is moving back to Dallas in less than 10 days. Also, Oscar has been traveling back and forth between London and Madrid for over three months now and needs a break.

My source of encouragement has been Pslam 105:4: "Look to the Lord and His strength, seek His face always."

I have been challenging myself to be more positive and make the best out of situations when things are going exactly how I want them to. So here are the positives from spending more time in Madrid:

1. Sunshine! It has been really nice weather here and I have been able to wear Summer clothes - something that won't happen for at least another month in London.

2. Spend time with Bea. Bea is one of my dearest friends in Madrid and I am going to miss her very much when we finally get settled in London.

3. Museo de Prado. There is a new expo from Joaquin Sorolla (my favorite Spanish painter) at the Prado museum and I went to see it today. It was spectacular!

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