Thursday, May 28, 2009

Passport ...

... where D'HL are you?!

(DHL is the courrier service that is supposed to bring me my passport.)

Sorry for the partial vulgarity and bad joke but it just came to me and is the one thing that has made me laugh today :)

It's not looking good but I am still trying to be positive. The Consulate gave me a number to call to inquire about the status of my visa so I tried that today. It has been busy all day. A coincidence or do they just take it off the hook? I think the later.

It is 5:33pm so there is still time for it to get here today. If it doesn't come today, I am heading to the beach. Oscar's parents have a place near Valencia and I prefer to camp out there and wait for my passport than to be here. It would be quite the adventure since I have never taken a road trip by myself in Spain but it would be well worth it.

Place your bets on when you think it will arrive. Just to be fair, I will share all that I know with you.

1. I applied for my visa on Thursday, May 21.

2. I was told that it would take 2 days to check my fingerprints, 1 day to be reviewed and approved and 1 day for delivery.

3. There was a UK holiday on Monday so that day may or may not count.

4. In the letter that I was given, it said that the Consulate has up to 15 working days to respond but most cases are resolved within 1-2 days.

I say it gets here next Tuesday, June 2.


Veronica Maria said...

personally, i think your joke was hilarious! in fact, i cracked up while i was reading it (a.k.a "taking attendance") during class. my kids thought i was crazy. perhaps you should try a courier pigeon?

The Oswalds said...

Funny! How exciting to be moving to London for a time. I am sure it will be a wonderful experience! Hope your visa arrives soon!