Monday, November 16, 2009


I started to feel the first movements of our little one and the best way to describe them are like subtle thumps. No karate kicks yet - this baby is still in training! - but light little love thumps :) I can't help but think of cuddly little Thumper from Bambi when I feel our bambino moving around.

I am 19 weeks and 4 days and have probably been feeling them for a few days now. I wasn't too sure what they were at first but I am pretty convinced that it is not just me anymore. I can't make it happen, even if I concentrate really hard. Believe me - I've tried! But, if I sit still still after I eat sometimes I can get in on some of the action. Most of the time I only get one or two thumps. On a good day, three. They aren't very strong yet so I can really only feel them on the inside. I am sure all of that will change in good time. For now, I am thrilled to feel any movement at all.

1 comment:

Laura Carter said...

That is so exciting! I cannot wait to feel the baby move. Are you guys going to find out the sex of the baby? If so when?
Sounds like you are just moving right along :) I love seeing what I have to look forward to since you're ahead of me!