Monday, January 19, 2009

Cesta de Navidad

In Spain, it is a tradition to get a Cesta de Navidad (Christmas basket) from your employer for the holidays. It used to actually come in a basket but most of them now come in a convenient box with handles so that it is easy to carry. They come filled with traditional holiday treats like turron, cookies, cheese, cured meats, wine, and champagne. Less and less companies continue with the tradition since many employees prefer cash over the basket.

I was one of the fortunate ones that stills get a Christmas basket. Mine came filled with several bottles of wine, champagne, turron, cookies, cured deer meat, white asparagus, foie, and chocolate. My inlaws love the sweet stuff so they attacked it quickly. Oscar and I rescued the wine, champagne, and food delicacies. We have them stashed in a safe place and plan on taking them out when we can enjoy them together in eachothers company.

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